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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool asar. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Asar is a command line tool used for creating, extracting, and modifying Electron applications' ASAR (Atom Shell Archive) archives. Electron is a framework that combines Chromium and Node.js to build cross-platform desktop applications.

ASAR archives are used to package and compress the source code and resources of Electron applications. This format enhances application performance by reducing disk space usage and speeding up access to files.

Here are a few key features and uses of the asar tool:

  1. Creating ASAR archives: Asar allows developers to package all the necessary files and resources of an Electron application into a single ASAR archive. This archive can be easily distributed and deployed as a standalone application.

  2. Extracting ASAR archives: Asar provides an option to extract the contents of an ASAR archive back to the original file structure. This is useful for inspecting or modifying the bundled resources of an Electron application.

  3. Modifying ASAR archives: Asar enables developers to modify the contents of an ASAR archive, such as adding, deleting, or updating files within the archive. This allows for easy customization and updating of Electron applications without rebuilding the entire application.

  4. Optimizing performance: Electron applications typically use ASAR archives to improve runtime performance. By compressing and packaging resources into a single file, disk access is reduced, resulting in faster loading times and improved application responsiveness.

In summary, asar is a versatile command line tool for managing ASAR archives in Electron applications. It simplifies the packaging, extraction, and modification of resources, contributing to improved performance and easy distribution of Electron apps.

List of commands for asar:

  • asar:tldr:6e818 asar: Extract a specific file from an archive.
    $ asar extract-file ${path-to-archive-asar} ${file}
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  • asar:tldr:78d18 asar: Archive a file or directory.
    $ asar pack ${path-to-input_file_or_directory} ${path-to-output_archive-asar}
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  • asar:tldr:7c7dc asar: List the contents of an archive file.
    $ asar list ${path-to-archive-asar}
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  • asar:tldr:c5804 asar: Extract an archive.
    $ asar extract ${path-to-archive-asar}
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