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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool asciiart. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Asciiart is a command line tool that allows users to create ASCII art from images. It takes an image file as input and converts it into ASCII text characters. The tool analyzes the image pixel by pixel, mapping each pixel's color intensity to a corresponding ASCII character. It supports various image formats such as JPEG, PNG, and GIF. Users can specify the width and height of the output ASCII art image to customize the size and aspect ratio. Asciiart also provides options to adjust the brightness and contrast of the output, allowing users to enhance the visibility of the ASCII art. Additionally, it offers the ability to generate colored ASCII art by mapping colors to specific ASCII characters. The generated ASCII art can be displayed in the terminal or saved into a text file for further use. Asciiart is a lightweight, easy-to-use tool that offers a fun way to transform images into artistic ASCII representations.

List of commands for asciiart:

  • asciiart:tldr:0de4a asciiart: Colorize the ASCII output.
    $ asciiart --color ${path-to-image-jpg}
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  • asciiart:tldr:28bf8 asciiart: Choose the output width (default is 100).
    $ asciiart --width ${50} ${path-to-image-jpg}
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  • asciiart:tldr:9f570 asciiart: Choose the output format (default format is text).
    $ asciiart --format ${select} ${path-to-image-jpg}
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  • asciiart:tldr:c5a3c asciiart: Read an image from a file and print in ASCII.
    $ asciiart ${path-to-image-jpg}
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  • asciiart:tldr:d1a1e asciiart: Invert the character map.
    $ asciiart --invert-chars ${path-to-image-jpg}
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tool overview