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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool asciidoctor. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Asciidoctor is a command line tool and markup language specifically designed for writing technical documentation and creating content that can be published in various formats. It is written in Ruby and is an implementation of the AsciiDoc markup syntax.

Here are a few key features and characteristics of Asciidoctor:

  1. Markup Syntax: Asciidoctor follows the AsciiDoc markup syntax, which is easy to read and write. It provides a straightforward way to structure documents and add formatting elements such as headings, lists, tables, images, links, code blocks, and more.

  2. Output Formats: Asciidoctor can generate content in various output formats including HTML, PDF, EPUB, DocBook, and more. This allows you to publish your documents in different mediums based on your requirements.

  3. Extensibility: Asciidoctor provides a customizable and extensible framework where you can create your own extensions, converters, and templates. This flexibility allows for the adaptation of Asciidoctor to different publishing scenarios and workflows.

  4. Cross-References and Indexing: Asciidoctor supports automatic generation of cross-references, footnotes, and indices, making it easier to create comprehensive documentation with proper referencing and navigation.

  5. Theming and Styling: Asciidoctor allows you to customize the appearance of your documentation through stylesheets and themes. This helps in maintaining consistent branding or adapting the output to fit specific visual requirements.

  6. Integration: Asciidoctor integrates well with other tools and systems. It can be integrated into build systems, content management systems, and continuous integration pipelines, enabling automated documentation generation and publishing.

  7. Active Community: Asciidoctor has an active open-source community that continuously supports and enhances the tool. This means regular updates, bug fixes, and community-driven extensions, making it a robust and reliable choice for technical documentation.

Asciidoctor is widely used in the software development community for creating technical documentation, project documentation, API documentation, user manuals, and more. It provides a convenient and efficient way to create and maintain well-structured, readable, and easily sharable documentation.

List of commands for asciidoctor:

  • asciidoctor:tldr:185af asciidoctor: Convert a specific `.adoc` file to a PDF using the `asciidoctor-pdf` library.
    $ asciidoctor --backend=${pdf} --require=${asciidoctor-pdf} ${filename-adoc}
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  • asciidoctor:tldr:3aca6 asciidoctor: Convert a specific `.adoc` file to HTML and link a CSS stylesheet.
    $ asciidoctor -a stylesheet=${path-to-stylesheet-css} ${filename-adoc}
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  • asciidoctor:tldr:3afdf asciidoctor: Convert a specific `.adoc` file to embeddable HTML, removing everything except the body.
    $ asciidoctor --embedded ${filename-adoc}
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  • asciidoctor:tldr:65105 asciidoctor: Convert a specific `.adoc` file to HTML (the default output format).
    $ asciidoctor ${filename-adoc}
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tool overview