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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool aura. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Aura is a command line tool developed by Salesforce, designed to automate the process of managing Salesforce Lightning components. It simplifies the development and deployment of Lightning components on the Salesforce platform.

  1. Aura allows developers to create, modify, and delete Lightning components directly from the command line, making the development process faster and more efficient.
  2. It provides a set of commands that can be used to create Lightning components, including the creation of essential files and folder structures.
  3. With Aura, developers can easily manage individual component files, such as markup files, JavaScript controllers, and CSS stylesheets, allowing for seamless updates and organization.
  4. It supports features like component bundling, allowing multiple related components to be grouped together for simplified deployment and version control.
  5. Developers can use Aura to create and manage Lightning Component Packages, which enable the easy sharing and distribution of Lightning components.
  6. It also offers commands for retrieving and deploying Lightning components to different Salesforce orgs, facilitating smooth deployment across various environments.
  7. Aura supports version control with Git, allowing developers to integrate their Lightning component development workflow with existing version control systems.
  8. It offers features like automatic code generation, making it easier for developers to adhere to the Lightning Component coding standards and best practices.
  9. It provides fast and efficient testing capabilities, enabling developers to run unit tests for Lightning components directly from the command line.
  10. Aura is an open-source tool, allowing developers to contribute to its ongoing development and improvement.

List of commands for aura:

  • aura:tldr:0d2c3 aura: Install a package from the official repositories.
    $ aura --sync ${package_name}
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  • aura:tldr:18e29 aura: Search for packages from the official repositories and AUR.
    $ aura --aursync --both --search ${select}
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  • aura:tldr:19a0a aura: Remove orphan packages (installed as dependencies but not required by any package).
    $ aura --orphans --abandon
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  • aura:tldr:375bf aura: Synchronize and update all packages from the official repositories.
    $ aura --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
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  • aura:tldr:48a5b aura: Remove a package and its dependencies.
    $ aura --remove --recursive --unneeded ${package_name}
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  • aura:tldr:673c6 aura: Downgrade a package using the package cache.
    $ aura --downgrade ${package_name}
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  • aura:tldr:7c3e8 aura: Install a package from the AUR.
    $ aura --aursync ${package_name}
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  • aura:tldr:a5d17 aura: Update all AUR packages in a verbose mode and remove all make dependencies.
    $ aura --aursync --diff --sysupgrade --delmakedeps --unsuppress
    try on your machine
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tool overview