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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool aurman. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Aurman is a command line tool for managing software packages on Arch Linux and Arch-based distributions. It is an advanced alternative to the popular pacman package manager.

  1. Aurman stands for "Arch User Repository Manager" and it provides enhanced functionality for managing software installations from the Arch User Repository (AUR).
  2. AUR is a community-driven repository that contains user-contributed packages that are not officially supported by Arch Linux.
  3. Aurman utilizes the package build files located in the AUR to compile and install software packages.
  4. It offers a variety of options and features, such as searching for packages, installing, upgrading, downgrading, removing, and cleaning packages.
  5. One of the key features of Aurman is its powerful dependency management system. It allows the user to handle complex package dependencies, including conflicts and resolutions.
  6. Aurman supports parallel downloads, which significantly speeds up the package installation process.
  7. It provides a user-friendly interface with color-coded output and progress indicators, making it easier to understand what is happening during package management tasks.
  8. Aurman supports interactive mode, allowing the user to make on-the-fly decisions during the installation or upgrade of packages.
  9. It provides extensive error handling and displays helpful messages in case of any issues during package operations.
  10. Aurman is an open-source tool developed by the Arch Linux community and is actively maintained and updated with new features and bug fixes.

List of commands for aurman:

  • aurman:tldr:1ca74 aurman: Synchronize and update all packages.
    $ aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade
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  • aurman:tldr:2a958 aurman: Install a new package without show changes of `PKGBUILD` files.
    $ aurman --sync --noedit ${package_name}
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  • aurman:tldr:3bee9 aurman: Search the package database for a keyword from the official repositories and AUR.
    $ aurman --sync --search ${keyword}
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  • aurman:tldr:6cf19 aurman: Remove a package and its dependencies.
    $ aurman --remove --recursive --nosave ${package_name}
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  • aurman:tldr:9d658 aurman: Synchronize and update all packages without show changes of `PKGBUILD` files.
    $ aurman --sync --refresh --sysupgrade --noedit
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  • aurman:tldr:9dc15 aurman: Install a new package without prompting.
    $ aurman --sync --noedit --noconfirm ${package_name}
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  • aurman:tldr:cda92 aurman: Install a new package.
    $ aurman --sync ${package_name}
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  • aurman:tldr:d27ad aurman: Clear the package cache (use two `--clean` flags to clean all packages).
    $ aurman --sync --clean
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tool overview