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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool aurvote. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


aurvote is a command-line tool used for voting on packages in the Arch User Repository (AUR). The AUR is a community-driven repository for Arch Linux that allows users to submit their own packages. aurvote provides a convenient way to cast votes on these AUR packages directly from the command line.

With aurvote, users can easily express their opinion on the quality, usefulness, or popularity of a specific AUR package. It simplifies the voting process by eliminating the need to manually visit the AUR website to cast votes. Users can simply execute the appropriate commands with aurvote to vote on or unvote a package.

aurvote allows users to vote either positively or negatively on AUR packages, with positive votes indicating support or satisfaction, and negative votes expressing dissatisfaction or issues. The tool utilizes the user's AUR account credentials to authenticate votes, ensuring the legitimacy of the voting process.

Through aurvote, users can also view the current vote count for any AUR package, aiding in decision-making when choosing packages to install. Users can check the popularity of a package by simply invoking a command and obtaining the vote count.

The tool is popular among Arch Linux users who prefer the command line interface for package management and find it more efficient and practical to express their feedback through commands rather than a graphical user interface. Its simplicity, ease of use, and integration with AUR account credentials make aurvote a valuable addition to the Arch Linux ecosystem.

List of commands for aurvote:

  • aurvote:tldr:15a06 aurvote: Interactively create the file `~/.config/aurvote` containing your AUR username and password.
    $ aurvote --configure
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  • aurvote:tldr:2e859 aurvote: Unvote one or more AUR packages.
    $ aurvote --unvote ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • aurvote:tldr:59dc9 aurvote: Vote for one or more AUR packages.
    $ aurvote ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • aurvote:tldr:67fb0 aurvote: Check if one or more AUR packages have already been voted.
    $ aurvote --check ${package1 package2 ---}
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  • aurvote:tldr:fec50 aurvote: Show help for `aurvote`.
    $ aurvote --help
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