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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool auvaltool. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Auvaltool is a command-line tool developed by Apple Inc for audio developers. It is a part of the Audio Unit Validation Tool suite used to validate Audio Units (AU) plugins. The tool is primarily used for testing and diagnosing audio plugins on macOS. Auvaltool checks the compatibility and functionality of Audio Units to ensure they adhere to Apple's guidelines and work correctly within various audio applications.

It provides a comprehensive set of tests to evaluate an Audio Unit's performance, stability, and conformity to the AudioUnit API. These tests are executed by simulating different scenarios and loading the plugin within a host application. Auvaltool can be run from the terminal and its output provides valuable information about the plugin's capabilities, supported formats, and any potential issues.

The tool is particularly useful for audio developers during the development and testing phases of creating an Audio Unit plugin. It assists in identifying errors, memory issues, threading problems, and other potential flaws that might affect the plugin's performance.

Auvaltool supports both AUv2 and AUv3 plugin formats and can be used to validate plugins for both conventional desktop audio applications and iOS apps. It ensures that the plugins meet the audio system's requirements, allowing users to have a seamless and consistent experience while using them.

List of commands for auvaltool:

  • auvaltool:tldr:2ebd8 auvaltool: List all [a]vailable AudioUnits of any type.
    $ auvaltool -a
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • auvaltool:tldr:ad4f6 auvaltool: List all [a]vailable AudioUnits of any type with their [l]ocation.
    $ auvaltool -al
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview