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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool avahi-browse. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Avahi-browse is a command line tool that allows you to discover and browse network services in your local network. It is a part of the Avahi project, which provides a zero-configuration networking implementation.

With avahi-browse, you can list services, hosts, and domains on your network. It uses mDNS (Multicast DNS) to discover and announce services, making it suitable for local networks without relying on a central server.

The tool can display the IP addresses, service names, port numbers, and other details of the discovered services. It provides information like service type, interface, and hostname, allowing you to identify and connect to the desired services.

Avahi-browse supports filtering options to narrow down the search results based on service type, domain, or host. This can be helpful when dealing with a large number of services on the network.

It also provides options to control the verbosity of output, allowing you to display a concise summary or detailed information about each service.

You can use avahi-browse to troubleshoot network connectivity issues, locate specific services on the network, or gather information about available resources.

The tool is commonly used on Linux systems but can also be used on other platforms that have Avahi installed.

The Avahi project is an open-source software that follows the GNU Lesser General Public License (LGPL) and is actively developed and maintained.

Avahi-browse is just one of the many tools provided by the Avahi project, offering a command line interface for interacting with the Avahi daemon and the network services it manages.

List of commands for avahi-browse:

  • avahi-browse:tldr:012e3 avahi-browse: Limit the search to a particular domain.
    $ avahi-browse --all --domain=${domain}
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    explain this command
  • avahi-browse:tldr:1a205 avahi-browse: List services available on the local network along with their addresses and ports, ignoring ones on the local machine.
    $ avahi-browse --all --resolve --ignore-local
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • avahi-browse:tldr:4a480 avahi-browse: Quickly list services in the local network in SSV format for scripts.
    $ avahi-browse --all --terminate --parsable
    try on your machine
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  • avahi-browse:tldr:ce645 avahi-browse: List domains in the neighbourhood.
    $ avahi-browse --browse-domains
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview