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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool avahi-resolve. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Avahi-resolve is a command-line tool used in Linux systems for resolving host names using the Avahi Zeroconf system. It is part of the Avahi package, which enables automatic network discovery and service advertisement on a local network without the need for a centralized server.

The primary purpose of avahi-resolve is to translate hostnames to IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) and vice versa. It can be used to resolve both A (IPv4) and AAAA (IPv6) records.

With avahi-resolve, network administrators can easily identify and connect to devices by their hostnames instead of requiring knowledge of their IP addresses.

This tool can also retrieve additional information about a specific host, such as the network interface on which it is available and the TTL (time to live) value of the resolved DNS record.

Avahi-resolve supports both unicast and multicast DNS resolutions, making it compatible with various network configurations.

It provides a straightforward command-line interface, allowing users to specify options such as the transport protocol (IPv4 or IPv6) and the query type (A or AAAA).

Avahi-resolve can beused for troubleshooting network connectivity issues and verifying DNS configurations by checking if the hostname resolution works as intended.

It utilizes Avahi's robust and efficient DNS resolution algorithms, ensuring accurate and reliable results.

Avahi-resolve is widely used in Linux distributions and is an essential tool for network administrators and developers working in Zeroconf environments.

List of commands for avahi-resolve:

  • avahi-resolve:tldr:56d06 avahi-resolve: Resolve an IP to a hostname, verbosely.
    $ avahi-resolve --verbose --address ${IP}
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  • avahi-resolve:tldr:c6a00 avahi-resolve: Resolve a local service to its IPv4.
    $ avahi-resolve -4 --name ${service-local}
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