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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool avifenc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


AVIFENC is a command line tool used for encoding images into AVIF format. AVIF (AV1 Image File Format) is an advanced and efficient image compression format.

It supports both single image encoding and image sequence encoding. Single image encoding allows converting a single image into AVIF format, while image sequence encoding enables encoding multiple images as a sequence in AVIF format.

AVIFENC utilizes the AV1 codec for encoding, which offers excellent compression efficiency and high visual quality. It also supports various AVIF encoding settings, such as rate control mode, quality level, and speed.

The tool provides options to control the compression level and output size to suit specific requirements. Users can adjust settings like target bitrate and CRF (Constant Rate Factor) to achieve desired image quality and file size.

AVIFENC supports input from various image formats, including BMP, PNG, and JPEG. It can handle images with different color profiles and bit depths.

The tool offers parallel encoding for improved performance, utilizing multiple threads for faster processing.

AVIFENC provides compatibility with common operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux, making it accessible to a wide range of users.

The command line interface of AVIFENC allows for easy integration into automated workflows and batch processing pipelines.

Overall, AVIFENC is a powerful and versatile command line tool that enables efficient encoding of images into the AVIF format, offering significant file size reduction while maintaining excellent visual quality.

List of commands for avifenc:

  • avifenc:tldr:49a24 avifenc: Encode with a specific speed, where 0=slowest, 10=fastest, and 6=default.
    $ avifenc --speed ${2} ${path-to-image-png} ${path-to-image-avif}
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  • avifenc:tldr:da901 avifenc: Convert a specific PNG image to AVIF.
    $ avifenc ${path-to-image-png} ${path-to-image-avif}
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tool overview