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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool azurite. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Azurite is a command line tool developed by Microsoft that provides a lightweight and local emulator for testing and developing applications that utilize Azure Storage services. It allows developers to replicate the functionality of the Azure Storage services on their local machines.

With Azurite, developers can simulate storage accounts, blobs, queues, and tables locally, providing a convenient way to test their applications without the need for an actual Azure subscription or internet connectivity. It is particularly useful during the development and debugging phases of an application, as it enables offline testing and the ability to quickly iterate and make changes without waiting for network operations.

Azurite aims to provide a seamless experience by emulating the behavior and APIs of Azure Storage services. It supports both the REST API and the client libraries, making it easy to switch between the emulator and the actual Azure cloud storage services.

Some key features of Azurite include support for storing and retrieving blobs, enqueueing and dequeueing messages from queues, and creating and querying tables. It also provides an interactive command line interface that allows developers to interact with the emulator and perform various storage-related operations.

Overall, Azurite is a powerful tool for local development and testing of applications that rely on Azure Storage services. It helps to reduce the dependency on the cloud environment, enabling faster development cycles and enhanced productivity for developers.

List of commands for azurite:

  • azurite:tldr:6daa1 azurite: Use an existing [l]ocation as workspace path.
    $ azurite ${select} ${path-to-directory}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • azurite:tldr:bd2ef azurite: Disable access log displayed in console.
    $ azurite ${select}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview