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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool basenc. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "basenc" is a utility program that is designed to encode and decode data using various base encoding schemes.

Base encoding is a versatile method used to represent binary data in ASCII format. It is commonly employed when the transmission or storage of binary data is required through text-based protocols or mediums that only support ASCII characters.

Basenc supports a wide range of base encoding schemes, including but not limited to Base64, Base32, Base16 (also known as hexadecimal encoding), and Base85. Each scheme has its own unique representation rules and characters used for encoding, allowing for different trade-offs between data size and overhead.

The basenc command line tool enables users to perform encoding and decoding tasks effortlessly. It allows encoding binary data to a specific base scheme or decoding ASCII encoded data back to its original binary form. This flexibility makes it useful for a variety of situations, such as encoding binary files for safe transmission over text-based channels or decoding encoded data received from external sources.

Basenc offers a straightforward command line interface, usually containing options to specify the desired base encoding scheme, input file, and output file. It facilitates efficient conversion between binary and textual representations, providing a reliable and convenient tool for working with base encoding in command line environments.

List of commands for basenc:

  • basenc:tldr:08895 basenc: Encode a file with base64 encoding.
    $ basenc --base64 ${filename}
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  • basenc:tldr:c2c95 basenc: Decode a file with base64 encoding.
    $ basenc --decode --base64 ${filename}
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