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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bcomps. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The bcomps command line tool is a part of the Graphviz suite, which is a collection of open source graph visualization software.

bcomps stands for "block-based graph comparison" and is used to compare two directed graphs. It takes two input files in Graphviz DOT format and produces a set of block-cut tree pairs as output. The output represents the common subgraphs and differences between the two graphs.

The tool works by splitting the graphs into block subgraphs and comparing them. A block subgraph is a maximal set of nodes in which each pair of nodes has at least one edge connecting them. The block-cut tree represents the nested structure of these block subgraphs, with each node representing a block and edges representing how they are related.

The bcomps tool is useful in various scenarios, such as detecting changes in software source code, finding differences in network configurations, or analyzing similarities between different versions of a graph.

Overall, bcomps helps in visualizing and understanding the structural differences and similarities between two directed graphs.

List of commands for bcomps:

  • bcomps:tldr:4cdf4 bcomps: Display help for `bcomps`.
    $ bcomps -?
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  • bcomps:tldr:68cd7 bcomps: Decompose one or more graphs into their biconnected components.
    $ bcomps ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---} > ${path-to-output-gv}
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  • bcomps:tldr:b82d8 bcomps: Write each block and block-cutvertex tree to multiple numbered filenames based on `output.gv`.
    $ bcomps -x -o ${path-to-output-gv} ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---}
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  • bcomps:tldr:e3287 bcomps: Print the number of blocks and cutvertices in one or more graphs.
    $ bcomps -v -s ${path-to-input1-gv} ${path-to-input2-gv ---}
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