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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool beanstalkd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Beanstalkd is a lightweight, open-source command line tool that acts as a simple, fast, and durable job queue. It allows developers to delay and prioritize jobs or tasks, making it particularly useful in distributed systems.

Here are some key features and characteristics of Beanstalkd:

  1. Job Queuing: Beanstalkd provides a mechanism to add and store jobs in a queue. Jobs can be added to different tubes (queues), allowing for logical separation and organization of tasks.

  2. Simple Protocol: It follows a straightforward protocol that enables communication with various clients and programming languages. There are client libraries available for popular languages, making it easy to integrate Beanstalkd into different applications.

  3. Fast and Lightweight: Beanstalkd is designed to be highly performant and efficient, allowing for quick job processing and minimal resource usage. It's written in C and built to be lightweight, making it suitable for resource-constrained environments.

  4. Job Prioritization and Delay: Jobs can be assigned different priorities, and the priority level determines the order in which jobs are dequeued and processed. Additionally, Beanstalkd supports job delays, allowing tasks to be scheduled for future execution.

  5. Persistence and Durability: Jobs in Beanstalkd are stored persistently, ensuring that they are not lost in case of server restart or failure. This durability is achieved by writing jobs to disk, making it a reliable choice for critical applications.

  6. Job TTR (Time To Run): Beanstalkd allows setting a Time To Run value for each job. If a worker fails to finish the job within the specified time, the job is released back to the queue for reprocessing. This prevents jobs from getting stuck indefinitely.

  7. Scalability: Beanstalkd is built to handle large workloads and scales well horizontally. Multiple instances of the server can be deployed to distribute the queue load across multiple machines, increasing overall processing capacity.

Overall, Beanstalkd provides a simple and efficient approach to job queuing, making it a popular choice for managing workloads and implementing background tasks in various applications and systems.

List of commands for beanstalkd:

  • beanstalkd:tldr:01051 beanstalkd: Sync to the persistence directory every 500 milliseconds.
    $ beanstalkd -b ${path-to-persistence_directory} -f ${500}
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  • beanstalkd:tldr:43d4a beanstalkd: Start beanstalkd listening on a custom port and address.
    $ beanstalkd -l ${ip_address} -p ${port_number}
    try on your machine
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  • beanstalkd:tldr:829b0 beanstalkd: Start beanstalkd, listening on port 11300.
    $ beanstalkd
    try on your machine
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  • beanstalkd:tldr:ae89b beanstalkd: Persist work queues by saving them to disk.
    $ beanstalkd -b ${path-to-persistence_directory}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview