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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bindkey. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "bindkey" command line tool is primarily used in Unix-like systems, such as Linux and macOS, to manage key bindings in the command line interface. Key bindings determine the action performed when a specific key or key combination is pressed in the terminal.

Here are a few key points about bindkey:

  1. Usage: The general syntax of the "bindkey" command is: bindkey [options] [key] [action]

  2. Customization: Bindkey allows you to customize the key bindings according to your preferences or workflow requirements. You can assign specific actions to keys or key combinations to enhance your efficiency while using the command line.

  3. Listing Current Key Bindings: Typing "bindkey" without any arguments displays a list of the current key bindings set in your shell.

  4. Common Actions: Bindkey supports a wide range of actions, including running built-in or custom commands, executing functions, invoking readline functions, and more.

  5. Configuration File: When the shell starts, it reads the configuration file located in the user's home directory, usually named ".zshrc" or ".bashrc". You can add "bindkey" commands in this file to set up your preferred key bindings whenever you open a new shell session.

  6. Readline Library: Bindkey utilizes the readline library, which is a commonly used tool for handling input and line editing in various command line interfaces. Therefore, bindkey allows you to leverage the power of readline functions to interact with your terminal effectively.

Overall, bindkey is a versatile command line tool that enables you to customize and manage key bindings, enhancing your command line experience by allowing you to perform actions quickly and efficiently.

List of commands for bindkey:

tool overview