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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bluetoothctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Bluetoothctl is a command line tool used for managing Bluetooth devices on Linux systems. It is typically used in terminal environments to interact with Bluetooth devices and perform various tasks related to Bluetooth connectivity.

With bluetoothctl, users can search for nearby Bluetooth devices, pair, connect, and disconnect from them. It provides a set of commands that allow users to control and configure Bluetooth adapters and devices.

This tool follows a simple command structure where users can enter commands to scan for available devices, pair with a specific device, trust devices, and set them as trusted. It also allows users to list paired and connected devices, as well as remove existing pairings.

Bluetoothctl provides information on the device's status, such as its battery level, signal strength, and available services. It shows detailed information about paired devices, including their MAC address, device name, and class.

Users can also manage Bluetooth adapters through bluetoothctl, enabling and disabling them, as well as configuring visibility settings. Additionally, this tool allows users to set up and manage Bluetooth network connections.

Bluetoothctl comes with a set of built-in Bluetooth profiles, such as A2DP, HFP, and HID, and allows users to enable or disable these profiles for connected devices.

Overall, bluetoothctl is a powerful command line tool that provides a range of functionalities for managing Bluetooth devices and connections on Linux systems.

List of commands for bluetoothctl:

tool overview