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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool borg. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Borg is a command line tool used for creating backups on Linux and macOS systems. It is designed to be efficient, secure, and easy to use. Borg uses deduplication and compression techniques to minimize the storage space required for backups.

Some key features of Borg include:

  1. Deduplication: Borg stores only unique data chunks, regardless of how many times they appear across different backups. This helps in saving storage space by avoiding redundant data.

  2. Compression: Borg uses LZ4 compression algorithm to compress data, which reduces the size of backup archives and speeds up the backup process.

  3. Encryption: Borg supports encryption of backup archives with various encryption algorithms like AES-CTR, AES-GCM, and more. This ensures that the backups are secure and only accessible with the encryption passphrase.

  4. Incremental Backups: Borg supports incremental backups, which means that only the changes made since the last backup are stored. This speeds up the backup process and reduces the amount of data transferred.

  5. Remote backups: Borg can be used to create backups to remote storage systems such as network shares, SSH servers, or cloud storage services.

  6. Backup pruning: Borg allows you to define retention policies to automatically delete older backups and keep the storage usage under control.

Overall, Borg is a powerful and versatile command line tool that offers efficient and secure backup solutions for Linux and macOS systems.

List of commands for borg:

  • borg:tldr:0e248 borg: Prune a repository by deleting all archives older than 7 days, listing changes.
    $ borg prune --keep-within ${7d} --list ${path-to-repo_directory}
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  • borg:tldr:4fcf9 borg: Initialize a (local) repository.
    $ borg init ${path-to-repo_directory}
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  • borg:tldr:5353b borg: List all archives in a repository.
    $ borg list ${path-to-repo_directory}
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  • borg:tldr:b8a44 borg: Extract a specific directory from the "Monday" archive in a remote repository, excluding all `*.ext` files.
    $ borg extract ${user}@${host}:${path-to-repo_directory}::${Monday} ${path-to-target_directory} --exclude '${*-ext}'
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  • borg:tldr:c4300 borg: Mount a repository as a FUSE filesystem.
    $ borg mount ${path-to-repo_directory}::${Monday} ${path-to-mountpoint}
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  • borg:tldr:e43ad borg: Display help on creating archives.
    $ borg create --help
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  • borg:tldr:e8c16 borg: Backup a directory into the repository, creating an archive called "Monday".
    $ borg create --progress ${path-to-repo_directory}::${Monday} ${path-to-source_directory}
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