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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bower. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Bower is a popular command-line tool for front-end package management in web development. It is designed to help developers easily manage, install, and update the various third-party libraries and dependencies in their projects.

Some key features of Bower include:

  1. Dependency management: Bower allows developers to specify and track all the external libraries and dependencies required for their project. It automatically resolves and fetches the specified dependencies from their respective repositories.

  2. Package registry: Bower has a centralized package registry called the Bower registry. It is a repository of reusable front-end components, frameworks, libraries, and utilities. Developers can search for packages in the registry and easily install them in their projects.

  3. Versioning support: Bower provides granular version-based dependency management. Developers can specify precise version requirements to ensure compatibility and avoid potential issues with conflicting dependencies.

  4. Easy installation and update: Bower simplifies the process of installing and updating packages by automatically fetching and installing the required files and dependencies. It resolves package dependencies recursively, ensuring all required files are included.

  5. Configuration and customization: Bower allows developers to configure various aspects of the tool, like default installation directory, registry URL, and resolution algorithm. This allows for easy customization based on project requirements.

Overall, Bower is a convenient and efficient tool for managing front-end dependencies in web development, making it easier for developers to work with third-party libraries and maintain an organized project structure.

List of commands for bower:

  • bower:tldr:1d830 bower: Install one or more packages to the bower_components directory.
    $ bower install ${package} ${package}
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  • bower:tldr:22b18 bower: Install a specific dependency version, and add it to `bower.json`.
    $ bower install ${local_name}=${package}#${version} --save
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  • bower:tldr:7dcaf bower: List local packages and possible updates.
    $ bower list
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  • bower:tldr:b0e80 bower: Uninstall packages locally from the bower_components directory.
    $ bower uninstall ${package} ${package}
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  • bower:tldr:b2beb bower: Display help information about a bower command.
    $ bower help ${command}
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  • bower:tldr:dc672 bower: Install a project's dependencies, listed in its bower.json.
    $ bower install
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  • bower:tldr:ec65e bower: Create a `bower.json` file for your package.
    $ bower init
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tool overview