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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool brightnessctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Brightnessctl is a command line tool used for controlling the brightness of displays in Linux systems. It allows users to easily adjust the brightness levels of their screens through the terminal. The tool supports various backlights, including ACPI, LS_RAW, and direct hardware interfaces. It is compatible with both desktop and laptop systems.

Brightnessctl provides a simple and convenient way to manage display brightness, especially on systems that lack dedicated keyboard shortcuts or GUI controls. It allows users to increase or decrease brightness levels, set specific brightness percentages, and even query the current brightness value. The tool is designed to be lightweight and efficient, ensuring minimal resource consumption.

The command line tool has several useful features, such as the ability to enable or disable adaptive brightness, define hotkeys for brightness adjustment, and set the brightness level during system startup. Users can also utilize brightnessctl in scripts or automation tasks to automate brightness adjustments based on specific conditions or events.

Additionally, brightnessctl supports multiple displays, so users can control the brightness of individual screens if they have a multi-monitor setup. The tool also offers a verbose mode, providing detailed information about the current backlight and its capabilities.

Overall, brightnessctl simplifies the process of managing display brightness in Linux systems, offering a practical solution for users who prefer command line control or require automation capabilities.

List of commands for brightnessctl:

  • brightnessctl:tldr:03c8b brightnessctl: Print the current brightness of the display backlight.
    $ brightnessctl get
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  • brightnessctl:tldr:c9c9d brightnessctl: List devices with changeable brightness.
    $ brightnessctl --list
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  • brightnessctl:tldr:d8899 brightnessctl: Set the brightness of the display backlight to a specified percentage within range.
    $ brightnessctl set ${50%}
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