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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool browser-sync. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


BrowserSync is a command line tool that helps in web development by automatically refreshing web pages as changes are made to the code. It creates a local development server that synchronizes browser actions across multiple devices and browsers in real-time. This enables developers to view their changes instantly without the need to manually refresh the page.

BrowserSync supports various features such as live reloading of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, scroll syncing, form syncing, and even allows for synchronized testing on different devices. It is also highly configurable and provides options to customize the server settings, configure proxy, and handle URL rewriting.

In addition to local development, BrowserSync can also be integrated into build tools and task runners like Gulp, Grunt, and webpack, making it easy to incorporate browser synchronization into the workflow.

Overall, BrowserSync is a powerful and efficient tool that saves time and improves developer productivity by providing a streamlined development environment for web projects.

List of commands for browser-sync:

  • browser-sync:tldr:37a1e browser-sync: Start a server from a specific directory.
    $ browser-sync start --server ${path-to-directory} --files ${path-to-directory}
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  • browser-sync:tldr:623f0 browser-sync: Create configuration file.
    $ browser-sync init
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  • browser-sync:tldr:779ea browser-sync: Start browser-sync from config file.
    $ browser-sync start --config ${config_file}
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  • browser-sync:tldr:fe4ea browser-sync: Start a server from local directory, watching all CSS files in a directory.
    $ browser-sync start --server --files '${path-to-directory-*-css}'
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