BShell is a command line tool that provides a Unix-like shell environment for systems running Microsoft Windows operating systems. It is designed to be a lightweight and efficient alternative to the Windows Command Prompt, offering a more robust set of features and utilities.
Some key features of BShell include:
Command scripting: BShell allows you to write and run command scripts, making it easier to execute a series of commands automatically.
Tab completion: BShell supports tab completion for commands and file paths, which helps in typing commands faster and reduces the chances of errors.
Improved command syntax: It provides a more user-friendly syntax for commands, making them easier to read and understand.
Pipes and redirects: BShell supports the use of pipes and redirects, allowing the output of one command to be used as input for another command or redirected to a file.
Environment variables: BShell allows you to define and use environment variables, which can be handy for storing and accessing information such as paths, configuration settings, or user-defined values.
Customizable: BShell is highly customizable, allowing users to configure various settings and behaviors according to their preferences.
Overall, BShell aims to enhance the command line experience on Windows systems, providing a more powerful and flexible environment for executing commands and automating tasks.
List of commands for bshell:
bshell:tldr:158e5 bshell: Browse for VNC servers only.$ bshell --vnctry on your machineexplain this command
bshell:tldr:1ec4c bshell: Browse for SSH servers only.$ bshell --sshtry on your machineexplain this command
bshell:tldr:be681 bshell: Browse for both SSH and VNC servers.$ bshelltry on your machineexplain this command
bshell:tldr:f826e bshell: Browse for both SSH and VNC servers in a specified domain.$ bshell --domain=${domain}try on your machineexplain this command