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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bspwm. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


bspwm is a highly configurable and lightweight tiling window manager created for X11. It is written in C and uses the XCB library for communication with the X server. One of the key features of bspwm is its flexibility and minimalism, as it provides a simple and efficient way to manage windows on the desktop.

The tool follows the binary space partitioning concept, dividing the screen into a tree of rectangular regions. This allows for efficient window placement and dynamic resizing, as each window is managed within a container. Users can customize the layout of the tree and define the split direction and size of each container.

bspwm provides keyboard-driven window management, meaning that most operations are handled through keybindings. It supports multi-monitor setups and workspaces, allowing users to navigate between different screens and switch between virtual desktops with ease.

The configuration of bspwm is done through a simple text file, where users can define keybindings, specific rules for window placement, and other behavior. It does not provide a status bar or system tray by default, leaving users free to choose and configure separate tools for such functionality.

In addition to its minimalism, bspwm is known for its high performance and low resource consumption, making it a popular choice for users seeking a lightweight and efficient window manager. Its simple and customizable nature has also contributed to its growing community and availability of user-contributed plugins and extensions.

List of commands for bspwm:

  • bspwm:tldr:7670c bspwm: Start `bspwm` (note that a pre-existing window manager must not be open when this command is run).
    $ bspwm -c ${path-to-config}
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