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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool buku. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Buku is a command-line bookmark manager that allows you to store, organize, and manage your bookmarks in a convenient manner. It provides a minimalistic and customizable interface for quickly adding, searching, editing, and deleting bookmarks from the command line.

Here are some key features of Buku:

  1. Bookmark Management: Buku allows you to add bookmarks with tags, titles, and descriptions. It supports various bookmark formats such as HTTP, HTTPS, FTP, and file links.

  2. Searching and Filtering: You can search for bookmarks using keywords, tags, titles, or URLs. Buku provides advanced search options like fuzzy search and regular expressions for more precise results. It also supports filters to narrow down search results.

  3. Bookmark Tagging: Buku allows you to assign tags to bookmarks to group and organize them better. You can easily assign multiple tags to a bookmark and filter bookmarks based on specific tags.

  4. Import and Export: Buku supports importing bookmarks from popular web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, and Opera. It can also export bookmarks in HTML, JSON, or Markdown formats.

  5. Bookmarks Backup and Sync: Buku provides the option to back up and sync your bookmarks with various cloud services like Dropbox, Nextcloud, or Google Drive. This ensures that your bookmarks are accessible across multiple devices.

  6. Browser Integration: Buku offers command-line browser integration, enabling you to directly open bookmarks from the terminal in your default web browser.

  7. Customization: Buku allows you to personalize its behavior and appearance using configuration files, themes, and various command-line options. You can customize the output format, colors, and other settings according to your preferences.

Buku is a versatile and efficient command-line tool for managing bookmarks, providing a powerful search functionality and seamless integration with popular web browsers.

List of commands for buku:

  • buku:tldr:08032 buku: Display all bookmarks matching "keyword" and with "privacy" tag.
    $ buku ${keyword} --stag ${privacy}
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  • buku:tldr:577a6 buku: Add bookmark with tags "search engine" and "privacy".
    $ buku --add ${https:--example-com} ${search engine}, ${privacy}
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  • buku:tldr:6a67f buku: Open editor to edit a bookmark.
    $ buku --write ${bookmark_id}
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  • buku:tldr:c5018 buku: Delete a bookmark.
    $ buku --delete ${bookmark_id}
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  • buku:tldr:f7117 buku: Remove "search engine" tag from a bookmark.
    $ buku --update ${bookmark_id} --tag ${-} ${search engine}
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