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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool bup. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Bup is an open-source command line tool designed for efficiently backing up and restoring data. It aims to provide the benefits of incremental backups (only storing changes) while also being fast and space-efficient.

Here are some key features and characteristics of bup:

  1. Deduplication: Bup uses a content-addressable storage (CAS) system, ensuring that when multiple files have the same content, they are stored only once. This helps to save space and reduce redundancy.

  2. Incremental backups: Bup employs the concept of "reverse incremental backups," meaning it stores only the incremental changes made since the last backup. This allows for quick backups and easy restoration to any previous state.

  3. Distributed backups: Bup supports distributing backup data across different machines for added redundancy and reliability. It can also take advantage of parallelism by backing up to multiple disks or machines simultaneously.

  4. Efficient storage: Bup compresses and packs the backup data to save space efficiently. It uses the packfile format, similar to Git, to store data in a compact and organized manner.

  5. Seamless encryption: Bup supports transparent encryption of backup data, ensuring privacy and security of your sensitive information.

  6. Command line interface: Bup primarily operates through a command line interface, making it highly scriptable and suitable for automation or integration with other tools.

Bup is particularly useful for large datasets or environments with limited storage space, as it optimizes backup sizes and only backs up changes. Its ability to handle distributed backups and efficient storage techniques make it a valuable tool for data backup and recovery scenarios.

List of commands for bup:

  • bup:tldr:34d74 bup: Prepare a given directory before taking a backup.
    $ bup -d ${path-to-repository} index ${path-to-directory}
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  • bup:tldr:47e3f bup: Restore a specific backup snapshot to a target directory.
    $ bup -d ${path-to-repository} restore -C ${path-to-target_directory} ${backup_name}
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  • bup:tldr:6330a bup: Show the backup snapshots currently stored in the repository.
    $ bup -d ${path-to-repository} ls
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  • bup:tldr:ca2fb bup: Initialize a backup repository in the specified local directory.
    $ bup -d ${path-to-repository} init
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  • bup:tldr:d6a72 bup: Backup a directory to the repository.
    $ bup -d ${path-to-repository} save -n ${backup_name} ${path-to-directory}
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tool overview