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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool c99. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The c99 command line tool is a compiler for the C programming language, specifically designed for the C99 standard. It is a part of the GNU Compiler Collection (GCC) and is commonly used for compiling C programs on Unix-like operating systems.

The c99 command invokes the compiler, which reads the source code written in C and translates it into machine code executable by the target system. It supports various command line options and parameters to control the compilation process, optimize code generation, and specify target architecture and system libraries.

C99 refers to the C programming language standard ISO/IEC 9899:1999, which introduced several new features and improvements compared to the older C standards. These features include inline functions, enhanced syntax for variable declarations, support for variable-length arrays, improved support for interposing functions, and many others.

Using the c99 command line tool, developers can compile C99 compliant source code into executable binaries, libraries, or object files. It provides a convenient interface to control the compilation process and offers a wide range of optimization and debugging options. Additionally, it can be integrated into build systems to automate the compilation of C programs.

Overall, c99 is a powerful and widely-used command line tool for compiling C programs according to the C99 standard, allowing developers to take advantage of the language's enhanced features and improvements.

List of commands for c99:

  • c99:tldr:06257 c99: Compile source file(s) and create an executable with a custom name.
    $ c99 -o ${executable_name} ${file-c}
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  • c99:tldr:34b12 c99: Compile source file(s), link with object file(s), and create an executable.
    $ c99 ${file-c} ${file-o}
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  • c99:tldr:a8027 c99: Compile source file(s) and create object file(s).
    $ c99 -c ${file-c}
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