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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool calibredb. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "calibredb" is a part of Calibre, which is a free and open-source e-book management software. Calibre allows users to organize, convert, and sync e-books across different devices.

Calibredb specifically provides a convenient way to access and manage your e-book library through the command line interface. It offers a variety of features, such as adding, editing, and deleting books, searching and sorting the library, exporting metadata, converting books to different formats, and even sending books to connected devices.

With calibredb, users can automate tasks related to managing e-books, perform batch operations, integrate with other command line tools or scripts, and even use it remotely on servers or headless systems.

Overall, calibredb is a powerful and versatile command line tool that complements the graphical user interface of Calibre, offering advanced users more flexibility and control over their e-book library management.

List of commands for calibredb:

  • calibredb:tldr:13ea8 calibredb: Recursively add all e-books under a directory to the library.
    $ calibredb add -r ${path-to-directory}
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  • calibredb:tldr:2815c calibredb: Remove one or more e-books from the library. You need the e-book IDs (see above).
    $ calibredb remove ${id1 id2 …}
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  • calibredb:tldr:4e8ce calibredb: Search for e-books displaying additional information.
    $ calibredb list --search ${search_term}
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  • calibredb:tldr:89eb0 calibredb: List e-books in the library with additional information.
    $ calibredb list
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  • calibredb:tldr:93c74 calibredb: Add one or more e-books to the library.
    $ calibredb add ${file1 file2 …}
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  • calibredb:tldr:ec76b calibredb: Search for just ids of e-books.
    $ calibredb search ${search_term}
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tool overview