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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool carp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Carp is a command line tool used primarily in computer networking for troubleshooting and testing network connectivity. It is commonly used to diagnose problems related to routing, network congestion, and latency.

Carp stands for "Common Address Redundancy Protocol" and it is designed to work in conjunction with connection redundancy technologies such as VRRP (Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol). Carp provides a way to monitor the availability and stability of network connections by sending periodic ICMP echo requests (ping) to a specified destination IP address.

By continuously monitoring the availability of network paths, Carp helps in identifying network failures, bottlenecks, or any transient issues that may impact network performance. It can be used to gather data on network latency, packet loss, and response times, aiding in troubleshooting network issues and ensuring network reliability.

Carp offers various options and parameters to customize its behavior, such as specifying the source IP address, setting the time interval between pings, defining the payload size, and specifying the number of pings to send. These options allow users to tailor Carp's functionality to their specific needs.

Overall, Carp is a powerful command line tool that network administrators and troubleshooters utilize for evaluating network connectivity, diagnosing network issues, and ensuring the operability and performance of network connections.

List of commands for carp:

tool overview