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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cbt. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


CBT, also known as "Cloud Bigtable Command Line Tool," is a command-line utility provided by Google Cloud Platform (GCP) for interacting with Google Cloud Bigtable.

Google Cloud Bigtable is a NoSQL, high-performance, fully managed database service designed for large-scale data storage and real-time analytics. It is built on Google's internal Bigtable system, which supports millions of operations per second and petabytes of data.

The CBT tool allows users to manage and interact with Bigtable instances and data through a command-line interface. Some of the key features of CBT include:

  1. Table management: The CBT tool enables users to create, list, and delete tables in Bigtable instances. It provides options for configuring and manipulating table schemas and metadata.

  2. Data operations: Users can use the CBT tool to perform various data operations such as inserting, updating, deleting, and scanning data within Bigtable tables. CBT also supports batch operations for efficient data processing.

  3. Configuration management: The CBT tool allows users to manage various configurations related to Bigtable, such as cluster and instance settings. Users can modify replication and consistency settings, monitor and optimize performance, and configure security settings using the CBT command-line utility.

  4. Data consistency and integrity: CBT ensures data consistency and integrity through features like atomic mutations, which guarantee that either all or none of the specified mutations are applied to the data.

Overall, the CBT command-line tool provides a convenient way to interact with Google Cloud Bigtable for managing tables, performing data operations, and configuring various settings. It is a powerful tool for developers and administrators working with Bigtable databases in the Google Cloud Platform ecosystem.

List of commands for cbt:

  • cbt:tldr:23c2b cbt: List tables in the current project.
    $ cbt ls
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  • cbt:tldr:365b6 cbt: Search up to 5 rows in the current project by a specific regex pattern and print them.
    $ cbt read "${table_name}" regex="${row_key_pattern}" count=${5}
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  • cbt:tldr:3ba9f cbt: Read a specific range of rows and print only returned row keys in the current project.
    $ cbt read ${table_name} start=${start_row_key} end=${end_row_key} keys-only=true
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  • cbt:tldr:5f29d cbt: Print count of rows in a specific table in the current project.
    $ cbt count "${table_name}"
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  • cbt:tldr:5f884 cbt: Display a single row with only specific column(s) (omit qualifier to return entire family) in the current project.
    $ cbt lookup "${table_name}" "${row_key}" columns="${family1:qualifier1,family2:qualifier2,---}"
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tool overview