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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool checkupdates. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Checkupdates is a command line tool that is commonly used in Linux systems to check for available package updates. Its primary purpose is to fetch and display a list of available updates for the installed packages on your system. This tool is often used in conjunction with package managers like pacman or apt, depending on the Linux distribution.

Checkupdates retrieves information from the configured package repositories and compares it with the currently installed packages on your system. It then lists the available updates including the package name, version number, and other relevant details. This helps users to identify which packages have new updates and whether they should be installed.

The tool is particularly useful for system administrators or users who want to manually manage their system updates. It provides an easy way to stay informed about package updates and choose which packages to update, based on personal preferences or system requirements.

Checkupdates can be scheduled to run at regular intervals using cron jobs or other automation tools, ensuring that users are regularly alerted about available updates. Some Linux distributions also provide notifications or automatic update features that rely on checkupdates to fetch this information.

This tool is typically included in Linux distributions that use package managers like Arch Linux's pacman or Manjaro's pamac. It is a lightweight and efficient command line tool that offers a simple and straightforward way to keep track of available package updates in a Linux system.

List of commands for checkupdates:

tool overview