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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool chfn. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


chfn is a command line tool in Unix-like operating systems used to change a user's full name and other information stored in the user account's GECOS field.

The command 'chfn' stands for "change finger information" since it was originally used to modify the 'finger' information displayed when someone queries a user account.

The 'finger' information typically includes the user's full name, office location, phone number, and other contact details.

To use chfn, the user needs to have the necessary permissions to modify their own account or have administrative privileges.

The chfn command allows users to change their full name, which is useful for updating outdated or incorrect information that may have been entered during account creation.

In addition to the full name, chfn also allows users to modify their room number, work phone number, home phone number, and various other fields in the GECOS information.

The chfn command prompts the user to input the desired changes, providing a simple and straightforward interface for modifying user information.

By default, chfn modifies the current user's account information. However, it can also be used by system administrators to modify other users' account details if they have the necessary privileges.

As chfn modifies the user's information in various databases, such as /etc/passwd and /etc/shadow, it should be executed with caution and only by authorized individuals.

Overall, chfn is a versatile command line tool that allows users to easily update and modify their personal information stored in the GECOS field, providing an efficient way to keep user account details accurate and up to date.

List of commands for chfn:

  • chfn:tldr:669fa chfn: Update a user's "Office Phone Number" field for the output of `finger`.
    $ chfn -p ${new_office_telephone_number} ${username}
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  • chfn:tldr:9966b chfn: Update a user's "Name" field in the output of `finger`.
    $ chfn -f ${new_display_name} ${username}
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  • chfn:tldr:ce996 chfn: Update a user's "Office Room Number" field for the output of `finger`.
    $ chfn -o ${new_office_room_number} ${username}
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  • chfn:tldr:f9162 chfn: Update a user's "Home Phone Number" field for the output of `finger`.
    $ chfn -h ${new_home_telephone_number} ${username}
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