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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool chgrp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "chgrp" command line tool is used to change the group ownership of files and directories in Unix-like operating systems. "chgrp" stands for "change group". With the "chgrp" command, you can specify a new group and assign it to one or multiple files or directories, as well as to their subdirectories.

The general syntax for the "chgrp" command is:

chgrp [options] group file/directory

Here, "group" represents the group name or group ID to which the ownership will be changed, and "file/directory" specifies the file or directory path where the ownership needs to be modified.

Some commonly used options with the "chgrp" command include:

  • "-R" or "--recursive": This option is used to perform a recursive search, changing the group ownership of the specified directory and all its contents, including subdirectories and files.
  • "-f" or "--silent": This option suppresses most error messages, making the command run silently.
  • "--reference=file/directory": By using this option, you can set the group of a file or directory based on the group of another file or directory.

To use the "chgrp" command, you typically need to have appropriate permissions for the file or directory you are modifying. Usually, only the owner or the superuser (root) can change the group ownership of a file or directory.

Overall, "chgrp" is a handy command line tool for managing group ownership in Unix-like systems, allowing users to control access privileges and organize file permissions efficiently.

List of commands for chgrp:

  • chgrp:tldr:4807e chgrp: Change the owner group of a symbolic link.
    $ chgrp -h ${group} ${path-to-symlink}
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  • chgrp:tldr:8b1d1 chgrp: Recursively change the owner group of a directory and its contents.
    $ chgrp -R ${group} ${path-to-directory}
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  • chgrp:tldr:acbc5 chgrp: Change the owner group of a file/directory.
    $ chgrp ${group} ${filename_or_directory}
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  • chgrp:tldr:cf3c1 chgrp: Change the owner group of a file/directory to match a reference file.
    $ chgrp --reference=${path-to-reference_file} ${filename_or_directory}
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