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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool chromium. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Chromium is an open-source web browser project that serves as the foundation for Google Chrome. It was developed by Google and released in 2008. Chromium is designed to provide a fast, secure, and stable browsing experience.

As a command line tool, Chromium allows users to launch the browser and perform various operations directly from the terminal or command prompt. It provides a range of options and flags that can be used to customize the browser's behavior and perform specific tasks. Some common use cases for Chromium's command line tool include:

  1. Opening specific URLs: Users can launch Chromium with a specific website or URL as a command line argument. This allows for quick access to specific websites without manually navigating through the browser's user interface.

  2. Debugging and troubleshooting: Chromium's command line tool provides several debugging options that can help diagnose and troubleshoot issues with websites and web applications. These options enable developers to inspect network requests, log messages, and other debugging information.

  3. Automated testing: Chromium's command line tool can be used in automated testing scenarios to simulate user interactions with web pages. This is particularly useful for running browser-based tests as part of a continuous integration or testing framework.

  4. Customization and control: The command line tool offers various flags and options to customize certain browser behaviors, such as disabling certain features, changing default settings, or overriding default security policies.

It's important to note that while Chromium is the open-source project, Google Chrome is the more consumer-oriented version of the browser that includes additional features and services.

List of commands for chromium:

  • chromium:tldr:113c0 chromium: Open with a DevTools window for each tab opened.
    $ chromium --auto-open-devtools-for-tabs
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  • chromium:tldr:48d93 chromium: Open in incognito mode.
    $ chromium --incognito ${example-com}
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  • chromium:tldr:a5278 chromium: Use a proxy server.
    $ chromium --proxy-server="${socks5:--hostname:66}" ${example-com}
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  • chromium:tldr:a57be chromium: Open in application mode (without toolbars, URL bar, buttons, etc.).
    $ chromium --app=${https:--example-com}
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  • chromium:tldr:abc46 chromium: Open a specific URL or file.
    $ chromium ${select}
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  • chromium:tldr:ade71 chromium: Open without CORS validation (useful to test an API).
    $ chromium --user-data-dir=${path-to-directory} --disable-web-security
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  • chromium:tldr:baf5a chromium: Open in a new window.
    $ chromium --new-window ${example-com}
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  • chromium:tldr:dca42 chromium: Open with a custom profile directory.
    $ chromium --user-data-dir=${path-to-directory}
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tool overview