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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool circo. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


"Circo" is a command line tool in the Graphviz suite, a collection of open-source software tools used for graph visualization. Circo specifically focuses on creating circular layouts for directed graphs.

When given a graph in a proper format, Circo analyzes the input and generates a circular layout where nodes are placed on a circle, and edges are drawn predominantly as curves. This layout technique is particularly useful for visualizing cyclic graphs or for any graph where a circular visualization can enhance understanding or aesthetics.

Circo supports various input file formats such as DOT and GML. It allows users to customize the appearance and style of the graphs through additional attributes like colors, fonts, shapes, and more. The generated output can be saved in different formats including PNG, SVG, PDF, etc., allowing for easy integration with other applications and platforms.

Overall, Circo is a powerful command line tool that provides a specialized way to layout and visualize graphs in a circular fashion, offering a unique perspective on complex data structures.

List of commands for circo:

  • circo:tldr:03203 circo: Render a `png` image with a filename based on the input filename and output format (uppercase -O).
    $ circo -T ${png} -O ${path-to-input-gv}
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  • circo:tldr:86a9a circo: Display help.
    $ circo -?
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  • circo:tldr:bc40a circo: Render a `svg` image with the specified output filename (lowercase -o).
    $ circo -T ${svg} -o ${path-to-image-svg} ${path-to-input-gv}
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