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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cksum. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The cksum command line tool is a utility used to generate a checksum value for a file. It calculates a checksum (Cyclic Redundancy Check or CRC) by performing a mathematical operation on the contents of the file. This checksum is a unique number that represents the file's data in a condensed form.

The primary purpose of cksum is to verify the integrity of files, especially during data transfers or storage. By comparing the checksum values of the source and destination files, users can determine whether the files have been modified or corrupted during the transfer process.

To use cksum, simply provide the file(s) as arguments to the command. It will display the computed checksum value along with the total number of bytes in the file. This information can then be compared with the source file's checksum to ensure data integrity.

Overall, cksum is a simple and useful command line tool for verifying the integrity of files in various scenarios.

List of commands for cksum:

  • cksum:tldr:cb6ab cksum: Display a 32-bit checksum, size in bytes and filename.
    $ cksum ${filename}
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