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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool clamscan. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool clamscan is part of the ClamAV antivirus software, which is an open-source antivirus engine used to detect and remove various types of malware, including viruses, trojans, and other malicious software.

Clamscan is primarily designed for scanning files and directories on a system for any potential threats. It utilizes virus signature databases and heuristic algorithms to identify known and unknown malware. The tool can be used to perform both on-demand scans and scheduled scans.

Some key features of clamscan include:

  1. Lightweight and efficient: Clamscan is known for its low resource consumption and quick scanning capabilities, making it suitable for both personal and server environments.

  2. Easy to use: Clamscan can be executed from the command line interface, making it accessible to users with different levels of technical expertise.

  3. Multiple scan options: It provides various scan options such as scanning specific files, directories, or entire file systems. It also supports recursive and archive scanning to detect malware hidden within compressed files.

  4. Quarantine and removal: When malware is detected, clamscan can either delete, move, or quarantine the infected files based on the configuration settings.

  5. Extensive logging: Clamscan generates detailed scan reports, including the list of infected files, scan statistics, and the actions taken.

  6. Integration and customization: Clamscan can be integrated with other tools or scripts for automated scanning. Additionally, it offers a wide range of configuration options to customize the scanning behavior based on user requirements.

Clamscan is widely used in both Linux and Windows environments as a reliable and efficient command line tool for scanning files and directories for malware.

List of commands for clamscan:

  • clamscan:tldr:1d641 clamscan: Scan the current directory and output only infected files.
    $ clamscan --infected
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  • clamscan:tldr:1e63c clamscan: Remove infected files.
    $ clamscan --remove yes
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  • clamscan:tldr:6721a clamscan: Scan a file for vulnerabilities.
    $ clamscan ${filename}
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  • clamscan:tldr:aac30 clamscan: Move infected files to a specific directory.
    $ clamscan --move ${path-to-quarantine_directory}
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  • clamscan:tldr:ba2a5 clamscan: Specify a virus database file or directory of files.
    $ clamscan --database ${path-to-database_file_or_directory}
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  • clamscan:tldr:e5047 clamscan: Scan all files recursively in a specific directory.
    $ clamscan -r ${path-to-directory}
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  • clamscan:tldr:fb5e2 clamscan: Output the scan report to a log file.
    $ clamscan --log ${path-to-log_file}
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tool overview