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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cmctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cmctl is a command line tool or a command line interface (CLI) provided by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE). It allows users to interact with and manage their Kubernetes clusters and resources conveniently from the command line.

Some notable features of cmctl include:

  1. Cluster management: cmctl provides commands to create, delete, update, and list Kubernetes clusters within Oracle Cloud Infrastructure. This allows users to easily set up and manage their Kubernetes clusters.

  2. Resource management: Users can use cmctl to manage various Kubernetes resources such as pods, services, deployments, and namespaces. It provides commands to create, delete, scale, and update these resources.

  3. Integration with other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services: cmctl offers seamless integration with other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services. Users can manage load balancers, block volumes, VCNs (Virtual Cloud Networks), and other services associated with their Kubernetes clusters using cmctl commands.

  4. YAML support: cmctl allows users to provide YAML configuration files to create or update resources. This makes it easier to define complex configurations and deploy them to Kubernetes clusters.

  5. Control plane management: With cmctl, users can manage the control plane of their Kubernetes clusters. This includes operations like upgrading the Kubernetes version, scaling the control plane, and managing node pools.

Overall, cmctl simplifies the management of Kubernetes clusters and associated resources by providing a command line interface that allows users to perform various operations easily and efficiently.

List of commands for cmctl:

  • cmctl:tldr:04333 cmctl: Create a new certificate request based on an existing certificate.
    $ cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file ${cert-yaml}
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  • cmctl:tldr:136ae cmctl: Check the status of a certificate.
    $ cmctl status certificate ${cert_name}
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  • cmctl:tldr:be23a cmctl: Create a new certificate request, fetch the signed certificate, and set a maximum wait time.
    $ cmctl create certificaterequest my-cr --from-certificate-file ${cert-yaml} --fetch-certificate --timeout ${20m}
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  • cmctl:tldr:d2691 cmctl: Check if the cert-manager API is ready.
    $ cmctl check api
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tool overview