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tool overview
On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool command. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The command line tool "command" is a general term that refers to various command line utilities in different operating systems.

In Linux and Unix-like systems, the "command" is a built-in shell command that allows you to run a specified command without considering any aliases, shell functions, or built-in commands that might have the same name. It can be useful when you want to ensure that your command runs in its original form without any interference from the shell's settings.

In Windows, the "command" refers to the "cmd.exe" command line interpreter, which provides a command prompt and allows you to execute command-line applications, batch files, and scripting languages like Windows PowerShell. It provides various commands and functionalities for managing files, directories, running system utilities, and more.

Overall, the term "command" in command line tools typically refers to the fundamental interface for executing specific actions or programs through the command line interface, providing a way to interact with the operating system and perform various tasks efficiently.

List of commands for command:

  • command:tldr:105ad command: Display the path to the executable or the alias definition of a specific command.
    $ command -v ${command_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • command:tldr:45d7e command: Execute the `ls` program literally, even if an `ls` alias exists.
    $ command ${ls}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview