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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool convmv. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


convmv is a command line tool used to convert filenames and directories between different character encodings. It is primarily designed for users dealing with filenames or directories that are not encoded in UTF-8, the widely adopted standard character encoding for text files.

With convmv, you can easily convert filenames or directories from one character encoding to another, ensuring compatibility across different systems and avoiding issues such as garbled or unreadable filenames. It supports a wide range of character encodings, including commonly used ones like ISO-8859-* and ASCII, as well as less frequently used ones.

By using convmv, you can automate the process of converting filenames and directories in bulk, saving you time and effort compared to manually renaming each file or directory. It provides various options and features to customize its behavior, allowing you to handle special cases and adjust the conversion process according to your needs.

convmv is available for Unix-based systems, such as Linux and macOS, and it can be installed via package managers like apt or Homebrew. It is a powerful tool for managing character encoding conversions and can be particularly helpful when working with files or directories originating from different systems with different encodings.

List of commands for convmv:

  • convmv:tldr:818e1 convmv: Convert filename encoding and rename the file to the new encoding.
    $ convmv -f ${from_encoding} -t ${to_encoding} --notest ${input_file}
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  • convmv:tldr:a2eda convmv: Test filename encoding conversion (don't actually change the filename).
    $ convmv -f ${from_encoding} -t ${to_encoding} ${input_file}
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