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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool coredumpctl. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Coredumpctl is a command line tool used in Linux systems to manage and investigate system crash dumps or core dumps.

  1. It is part of the systemd suite of utilities and is available in most Linux distributions.
  2. Coredumpctl provides a unified interface to manage core dumps generated when a program crashes or exhibits abnormal behavior.
  3. It can be used to list, filter, view, and retrieve information about core dumps.
  4. The tool maintains a chronological list of all core dumps that have occurred on the system.
  5. Information such as timestamp, PID, executable name, process status, and more is captured for each core dump entry.
  6. Coredumpctl enables filtering of core dumps based on certain criteria like timestamp, executable name, or process ID.
  7. By default, it only displays the latest core dumps, but a specific dump can be selected using its unique identifier.
  8. Detailed information about a core dump can be obtained using coredumpctl info command, including backtrace, memory mappings, and environment variables.
  9. Coredumpctl allows users to extract the core dump for further analysis or debugging through the coredumpctl dump command.
  10. It simplifies the process of managing core dumps, helping system administrators and developers diagnose and troubleshoot issues within their applications or the system as a whole.

List of commands for coredumpctl:

  • coredumpctl:tldr:2c444 coredumpctl: List all captured core dumps.
    $ coredumpctl list
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  • coredumpctl:tldr:4f6c5 coredumpctl: Invoke debugger using the last core dump of a program.
    $ coredumpctl debug ${program}
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  • coredumpctl:tldr:55470 coredumpctl: Extract the last core dump of a program to a file.
    $ coredumpctl --output=${filename} dump ${program}
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  • coredumpctl:tldr:664d1 coredumpctl: Show information about the core dumps matching a program with `PID`.
    $ coredumpctl info ${PID}
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  • coredumpctl:tldr:907b8 coredumpctl: List captured core dumps for a program.
    $ coredumpctl list ${program}
    try on your machine
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