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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cppclean. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cppclean is a command line tool used for finding unused and redundant code in C++ projects. It analyzes C++ codebases and provides a report on code that can be safely removed without affecting the functionality of the project. The tool uses static analysis techniques to identify code that is not being used, duplicate code, unused variables, and other potential issues.

Cppclean is beneficial for optimizing codebases, improving code maintainability, and reducing technical debt. By removing unused code and redundant code, it can lead to smaller, more efficient and easier-to-maintain projects. It can also help detect potential bugs or areas of improvement in the code.

The tool supports various features such as custom ignore lists to exclude specific files or code elements from analysis, different output formats for the reports, and options to configure warnings and verbosity level. It is designed to be integrated into build systems and continuous integration pipelines, allowing developers to regularly analyze their codebase for potential improvements.

Cppclean can be particularly useful when working on large codebases or legacy projects where code might have accumulated over time. It can help identify dead code, unused dependencies, or even opportunities for code refactoring.

Overall, cppclean is a valuable command line tool for C++ developers and teams looking to improve code quality, optimize performance, and enhance the maintainability of their projects.

List of commands for cppclean:

  • cppclean:tldr:3561f cppclean: Run in a project's directory.
    $ cppclean ${path-to-project}
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  • cppclean:tldr:6f93a cppclean: Run on the current directory, excluding the "build" directory.
    $ cppclean ${-} --exclude=${build}
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  • cppclean:tldr:7eaea cppclean: Run on a project where the headers are in the `inc1/` and `inc2/` directories.
    $ cppclean ${path-to-project} --include-path=${inc1} --include-path=${inc2}
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tool overview