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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cpufreq-info. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Cpufreq-info is a command line tool used in Linux systems to retrieve information about the CPU frequency scaling. It provides details about the CPU's available frequency levels and governor settings. The tool is typically employed in environments that require power management optimization or analysis.

With cpufreq-info, you can gather relevant information about your CPU's frequency scaling capabilities, such as the minimum and maximum frequency supported by the processor, the available frequency levels, and the current frequency in use. It also displays the governor currently active, which determines how the CPU frequency is adjusted.

The tool can prove useful in evaluating the efficiency of power management settings and determining if the CPU is running at its optimal frequencies. It helps in assessing whether the system is correctly configured for power-saving purposes or if adjustments can be made.

Cpufreq-info further provides insights into the governor options available, such as ondemand, performance, powersave, conservative, and userspace. These governors control how the CPU frequency is adjusted depending on system load and power-saving requirements.

By examining the information provided by cpufreq-info, users can ascertain if any specific governor is preferable for their use case or if they need to customize the governor settings. This can enhance power performance, reduce energy consumption, or optimize the CPU utilization based on the intended workload.

Overall, cpufreq-info is a valuable command line tool for understanding and managing CPU frequency scaling, enabling system administrators, developers, and users to optimize power management and performance to meet their specific requirements.

List of commands for cpufreq-info:

  • cpufreq-info:tldr:0ce2c cpufreq-info: Show CPU frequency information for the specified CPU.
    $ cpufreq-info -c ${cpu_number}
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:224b6 cpufreq-info: Show the current minimum and maximum CPU frequency and policy in table format.
    $ cpufreq-info -o
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:2dff6 cpufreq-info: Show CPU frequency information for all CPUs.
    $ cpufreq-info
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:6fbc2 cpufreq-info: Show current CPU work frequency in a human-readable format, according to the cpufreq kernel module.
    $ cpufreq-info -f -m
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:7e6c3 cpufreq-info: Show current CPU work frequency in a human-readable format, by reading it from hardware (only available to root).
    $ sudo cpufreq-info -w -m
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:98882 cpufreq-info: Show available CPU frequency policies.
    $ cpufreq-info -g
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  • cpufreq-info:tldr:f46b2 cpufreq-info: Show the allowed minimum and maximum CPU frequency.
    $ cpufreq-info -l
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