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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cpufreq-set. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


  1. The command line tool "cpufreq-set" is used to modify the CPU frequency scaling policy on Linux systems.
  2. It allows users to adjust the CPU frequency governor, which determines how the CPU scales its frequency in response to system load.
  3. The tool is typically used on systems with dynamically adjustable CPU frequencies to optimize power consumption or performance.
  4. The cpufreq-set command can be used to set the governor to different options such as "ondemand," "performance," "powersave," or "userspace."
  5. The "ondemand" governor adjusts the CPU frequency based on current system load, increasing it when the system is under heavy load and decreasing it during idle periods.
  6. The "performance" governor keeps the CPU running at the maximum frequency continuously, which is beneficial for tasks that require the highest performance.
  7. The "powersave" governor prioritizes power efficiency by keeping the CPU frequency low most of the time.
  8. The "userspace" governor allows users to manually set the CPU frequency through user-space programs.
  9. The cpufreq-set command can also modify other parameters such as minimum and maximum frequencies that the CPU can run at.
  10. Overall, cpufreq-set provides a flexible way to manage and optimize CPU performance and power consumption on Linux systems.

List of commands for cpufreq-set:

  • cpufreq-set:tldr:73f4a cpufreq-set: Set the CPU frequency policy of CPU 1 to "userspace".
    $ sudo cpufreq-set -c ${1} -g ${userspace}
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  • cpufreq-set:tldr:bd725 cpufreq-set: Set the current minimum CPU frequency of CPU 1.
    $ sudo cpufreq-set -c ${1} --min ${min_frequency}
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  • cpufreq-set:tldr:bf125 cpufreq-set: Set the current work frequency of CPU 1.
    $ sudo cpufreq-set -c ${1} -f ${work_frequency}
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  • cpufreq-set:tldr:d01fc cpufreq-set: Set the current maximum CPU frequency of CPU 1.
    $ sudo cpufreq-set -c ${1} --max ${max_frequency}
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