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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool csvpy. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


CSVpy is a command line tool designed to work with CSV (Comma-Separated Values) files. It provides various functionalities for efficient data manipulation and analysis. Here are some notable features of CSVpy:

  1. CSV File Operations: CSVpy allows you to read, write, and modify CSV files directly from the command line. You can perform operations like merging, splitting, filtering, sorting, and aggregating data within the CSV files.

  2. Data Transformation: With CSVpy, you can perform various data transformations such as changing column names, removing duplicate rows, converting data types, and handling missing values.

  3. Data Analysis: CSVpy offers functionalities to perform basic data analysis tasks like calculating summary statistics (mean, median, standard deviation), exploring data distributions, and generating basic visualizations.

  4. SQL-like Queries: CSVpy allows you to write SQL-like queries on CSV files, enabling you to perform more complex data manipulations and filtering. This can be helpful for users familiar with SQL syntax.

  5. Scripting Capabilities: CSVpy provides scripting capabilities, meaning you can write and execute multiple commands sequentially or create scripts to automate repetitive tasks.

  6. Command Line Interface: CSVpy is primarily designed to be used from the command line interface, which makes it suitable for quick data manipulations and analysis without the need for complex programming.

CSVpy is a versatile tool that can be useful for data scientists, analysts, and data enthusiasts when working with CSV files.

List of commands for csvpy:

  • csvpy:tldr:dfaca csvpy: Load a CSV file into a `CSVKitDictReader` object.
    $ csvpy --dict ${data-csv}
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  • csvpy:tldr:dffa7 csvpy: Load a CSV file into a `CSVKitReader` object.
    $ csvpy ${data-csv}
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