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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool cwebp. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


cwebp is a command line tool used to encode images in the WebP format. WebP is a modern image format developed by Google that provides both lossy and lossless compression capabilities, resulting in smaller file sizes compared to other image formats like JPEG and PNG.

cwebp is part of the libwebp library, which is an open-source project maintained by Google. The tool allows users to convert images in various formats (such as PNG, JPEG, and GIF) to the WebP format or perform operations like resizing, cropping, and adjusting quality settings.

By using cwebp, you can optimize and reduce the size of images without significant loss in image quality. The WebP format supports features like transparency (alpha channel), animation, and metadata. It also provides advanced encoding options, allowing users to control aspects such as target file size, compression efficiency, and encoding speed.

The command line interface of cwebp makes it suitable for automation, batch processing, and integrating it into various workflows. It is available for multiple platforms, including Windows, macOS, and Linux.

List of commands for cwebp:

  • cwebp:tldr:b161e cwebp: Compress a WebP file and drop alpha channel information.
    $ cwebp ${path-to-image_file} -o ${path-to-output-webp} -noalpha
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  • cwebp:tldr:b7158 cwebp: Compress a WebP file with the best [q]uality and largest file size.
    $ cwebp ${path-to-image_file} -o ${path-to-output-webp} -q ${100}
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  • cwebp:tldr:bba8d cwebp: Compress a WebP file with default settings (q = 75) to the [o]utput file.
    $ cwebp ${path-to-image_file} -o ${path-to-output-webp}
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  • cwebp:tldr:bf062 cwebp: Compress a WebP file and apply resize to image.
    $ cwebp ${path-to-image_file} -o ${path-to-output-webp} -resize ${width} ${height}
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