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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool daemon. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "daemon" is a command line tool commonly used in operating systems like Unix and Linux. The purpose of this tool is to run in the background, performing tasks continuously without the need for user interaction. A daemon is not tied to a specific user session and typically starts at system boot. It runs as a separate process and doesn't have any direct interaction with the user interface. Daemon processes often provide services such as network services, system monitoring, and maintenance tasks. These processes have their own unique process ID (PID) and are controlled by the operating system's process management. The daemon can be started or stopped using specific commands, like "start", "stop", or "restart". Upon starting, a daemon usually forks itself into the background and returns control to the user. Various logging mechanisms are employed to manage and monitor the activities of a daemon, ensuring its proper functioning. System administrators heavily rely on daemons to keep critical services running, providing stability and ensuring continuous operations.

List of commands for daemon:

  • daemon:tldr:2f030 daemon: List daemons.
    $ daemon --list
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  • daemon:tldr:5dc09 daemon: Run a command as a daemon which will restart if the command crashes.
    $ daemon --name="${name}" --respawn ${command}
    try on your machine
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  • daemon:tldr:7d319 daemon: Run a command as a daemon.
    $ daemon --name="${name}" ${command}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • daemon:tldr:81dfe daemon: Run a command as a daemon, writing logs to a specific file.
    $ daemon --name="${name}" --errlog=${filename-log} ${command}
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  • daemon:tldr:c48e0 daemon: Run a command as a daemon which will restart if it crashes, with two attempts every 10 seconds.
    $ daemon --name="${name}" --respawn --attempts=2 --delay=10 ${command}
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  • daemon:tldr:eac6b daemon: Kill a daemon (SIGTERM).
    $ daemon --name="${name}" --stop
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