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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool daemonize. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Daemonize is a command-line tool used to daemonize a command or process in Unix-like operating systems. Its primary function is to detach a process from the controlling terminal and run it in the background as a daemon.

  1. The primary purpose of daemonizing a process is to allow it to run independently of the user's interactive session.
  2. Daemonizing prevents the process from being terminated when the session is closed or the terminal is disconnected.
  3. Daemonize can be used with any command or process that needs to run persistently.
  4. It is commonly used to run web servers, database servers, and other server applications in the background.
  5. Daemonize manages the necessary steps to detach the process from the controlling terminal, including forking, closing file descriptors, and changing the process group ID.
  6. The tool provides options to customize the behavior of the daemon, such as specifying a different working directory or redirecting standard input/output.
  7. It creates a PID file (Process ID file) by default, which stores the process ID of the daemonized process. This file is helpful for monitoring and controlling the daemon.
  8. Daemonize also supports signal handling, allowing the daemon to respond to specific signals for graceful termination or other actions.
  9. The tool is often used in combination with init systems or process supervisors to manage the lifecycle of daemons.
  10. Daemonize is available for various Unix-like systems, including Linux, BSD, and macOS, and it is typically installed as a command-line utility.

List of commands for daemonize:

  • daemonize:tldr:2132d daemonize: Use the specified user account.
    $ sudo daemonize -u ${user} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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  • daemonize:tldr:3b235 daemonize: Write the PID to the specified file.
    $ daemonize -p ${path-to-pidfile} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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  • daemonize:tldr:4da5e daemonize: Use a lock file to ensure that only one instance runs at a time.
    $ daemonize -l ${path-to-lockfile} ${command} ${command_arguments}
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  • daemonize:tldr:84256 daemonize: Run a command as a daemon.
    $ daemonize ${command} ${command_arguments}
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