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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dbclient. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


dbclient is a command line tool primarily used for connecting to and interacting with remote database servers via the command line interface. It is part of the OpenSSH suite of tools and is often referred to as ssh-dbclient as it shares similarities with the SSH client.

dbclient supports various database systems including MySQL, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQLite, allowing users to manage and administer their databases remotely. It uses the standard SQL query language to execute database operations and retrieve data.

One of the main features of dbclient is its secure connection capability. It establishes an encrypted connection between the local machine and the remote database server, ensuring data confidentiality during transmission.

It also supports authentication methods like password-based authentication and key-based authentication using RSA or DSA keys. This ensures secure access to the remote database server.

dbclient provides a wide range of options and configuration parameters to tailor the connection and query execution according to specific requirements. Users can specify the database server, port, username, password, and other connection details through the command line options.

Additionally, dbclient allows users to run scripts or SQL files directly from the command line, making it convenient for automating database tasks and performing batch operations.

The output of the queries executed through dbclient can be redirected to files or piped into other tools for further processing or analysis, enhancing its versatility.

Overall, dbclient offers a powerful and efficient way to connect to and manage remote database servers securely, making it a valuable tool for database administrators and developers who need to work with databases from the command line.

List of commands for dbclient:

  • dbclient:tldr:5f900 dbclient: Connect to a remote host.
    $ dbclient ${user}@${host}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • dbclient:tldr:7e803 dbclient: Connect to a remote host on [p]ort 2222.
    $ dbclient ${user}@${host} -p 2222
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • dbclient:tldr:bb4ae dbclient: Run a command on the remote host with a [t]ty allocation allowing interaction with the remote command.
    $ dbclient ${user}@${host} -t ${command} ${argument1 argument2 ---}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • dbclient:tldr:bc24d dbclient: Connect and forward [A]gent connections to remote host.
    $ dbclient -A ${user}@${host}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • dbclient:tldr:cb4c4 dbclient: Connect to a remote host using a specific [i]dentity key in dropbear format.
    $ dbclient -i ${path-to-key_file} ${user}@${host}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview