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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dcfldd. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


dcfldd is a command-line tool that stands for "DoD Computer Forensics Lab dd." It is a enhanced version of the popular "dd" command that is used for data copying and conversion in Unix-like operating systems.

dcfldd is primarily designed for computer forensics and data acquisition tasks. It is commonly used in the field of digital forensics to create forensic images or acquire data from various storage media like hard drives, memory cards, USB drives, etc. The tool ensures accurate and secure imaging by utilizing features such as hashing, error handling, and verification.

Some key features of dcfldd include:

  1. Hashing: dcfldd allows users to calculate and verify cryptographic hash values (MD5, SHA-1, etc.) of the acquired data while copying. This helps in ensuring data integrity and detecting any potential tampering.

  2. Progress Reporting: It provides live progress updates, allowing users to monitor the copying process and estimate the time remaining.

  3. Error Handling: dcfldd can intelligently handle read/write errors encountered during data acquisition by skipping or retrying problematic sectors.

  4. Pattern Writing: It supports both sequential and random pattern writing options, which can be useful for testing and quality assurance purposes.

  5. Verbose Output: dcfldd offers various verbosity levels to provide detailed information about the copying process and any errors encountered.

Overall, dcfldd is a powerful command-line tool that provides additional functionalities and features on top of the standard "dd" tool. It is widely used in forensic investigations and other scenarios where secure and accurate data acquisition is crucial.

List of commands for dcfldd:

  • dcfldd:tldr:1fbd5 dcfldd: Copy a disk to a raw image file and hash the image using SHA256.
    $ dcfldd if=/dev/${disk_device} of=${file-img} hash=sha256 hashlog=${file-hash}
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  • dcfldd:tldr:d4f6d dcfldd: Copy a disk to a raw image file, hashing each 1 GB chunk.
    $ dcfldd if=/dev/${disk_device} of=${file-img} hash=${select} hashlog=${file-hash} hashwindow=${1G}
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tool overview