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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool dcode. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


The "dcode" command line tool is a utility commonly used in the field of computer programming and software development. The specific functionality and purpose of "dcode" can vary depending on the context in which it is used, as there could be different tools with the same name.

Without further context, it is difficult to provide specific details about the "dcode" tool. However, command line tools in general are programs that are run from the command line or terminal of an operating system. They enable users to interact with their computer or perform specific tasks by executing commands and arguments. Command line tools are often favored by developers and system administrators for their flexibility, automation capabilities, and ability to work across different platforms.

If you have more information about the specific "dcode" tool you are referring to, please provide additional details so that a more accurate explanation can be provided.

List of commands for dcode:

  • dcode:tldr:453e1 dcode: Rotate a string by the specified offset.
    $ dcode -rot ${11} "${spwwz hzcwo}"
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  • dcode:tldr:64653 dcode: Reverse a string.
    $ dcode -rev "${hello world}"
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  • dcode:tldr:ed5ee dcode: Recursively detect and decode a string.
    $ dcode "${NjM3YTQyNzQ1YTQ0NGUzMg==}"
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