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On this page you find all important commands for the CLI tool debman. If the command you are looking for is missing please ask our AI.


Debman is a command line tool used for managing Debian packages in Linux systems. It is specifically designed to assist in the creation, modification, and archiving of Debian package files. Debman offers a user-friendly and intuitive interface that allows users to easily manipulate package meta-information such as the package name, version, maintainer, and dependencies. With Debman, users can efficiently build and compile packages and create the necessary installation scripts and control files required for Debian packages. The tool also provides options to validate package files, ensuring they conform to Debian packaging standards, and identify any potential errors or issues. Debman enables users to manage package repositories, allowing them to add, remove, or update packages in a centralized location. It supports the ability to generate package statistics, providing information on package size, dependencies, and installation status. Debman integrates seamlessly with common package management tools like dpkg and apt, allowing users to easily install, upgrade, or remove packages from the command line. The tool ensures proper package signing and verification, enhancing security and preventing unauthorized or tampered packages from being installed. Debman is highly versatile, allowing users to perform a wide range of package management tasks, making it a valuable asset for system administrators and developers working with Debian packages.

List of commands for debman:

  • debman:tldr:3c2e6 debman: Read a man page for a command that is provided by a specified package name.
    $ debman -p ${package_name} ${command_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • debman:tldr:4c5b5 debman: Read a man page in a `.deb` file.
    $ debman -f ${filenamename-deb} ${command_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
  • debman:tldr:b0f12 debman: Specify a package version to download.
    $ debman -p ${package_name}=${version} ${command_name}
    try on your machine
    explain this command
tool overview